Sangeetha Menon

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Brief profile

Professor Sangeetha Menon has been working in Consciousness Studies for over eighteen years. Her core research interests are Indian ways of thinking in classical philosophical schools, Indian psychology and Indian dramaturgy, and current discussions on consciousness. She has co-organised national and international conferences including ‘Scientific and Philosophical Studies in Consciousness’ (1998, NIAS), ‘Science and Metaphysics: Consciousness and Genetics’ (2002, NIAS), ‘Science and Beyond’ (2003, NIAS), and ‘Consciousness, Experience and Ways of Knowing’ (2006,NIAS). She has several articles in peer-reviewed journals, and contributed chapters on a variety of issues relating to science and religion, self, mind, and consciousness. She contributed a chapter on ‘Hinduism and Science’ for the recently published Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science (2006, OUP). She has also authored monographs on consciousness in the context of Indian thought. Presently she is engaged in writing a book on ‘Consciousness and Agency' as part of the Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality award', received from Universite Interdisciplinaire de Paris, and Elon University supported by Templeton Foundation.