Managing one self- Bhagavad Gita Theory and practice

Amar printing press
Dr. V.R. Panchamukhi
Management Discipline
Management and leadership
About the book

Bhagwad Gita is a profound treatise on the principles of management and human behaviour.  The present book has attempted to bring out the theory and practice of managing oneself  that are presented in Bhagwad Gita. the presentation is made in simple common language,  avoiding the usual jargons of philosophical texts. This book is based upon the series of lectures  delivered by the author in the Afro-Asian Society in Vienna when he was working as Industrial  Development Officer at UNIDO (United Nations Development Organisation).This volume is released  for the benefit of all those who would like to receive new inspirations from Bhagwad Gita in dealing  with their varieities of conflict situations in life.