Panch Siddhanta (Five Principles) of Indian Ethos and Indian Management: Towards Vedanta-in-Practice

Publication details

SSRN, Elsevier

Subhash Sharma
Author's Credentials
Indus Business Academy, Bangalore & Greater Noida, India
Faculty Member
Management Discipline
General Management principles
Ancient Indian Scriptures

This paper presents five founding ideas of Indian ethos leading to five principles of Indian Management. These include (1) Oneness (2) Two types of human beings: (Thought-Action) Positive and (Thought-Action) Negative (3) Three Gunas or Qualities of Nature represented by Violent, (Vibrant and Silent energies (4) Four Purusharthas (Goals) of life and (5) Panch-koshas: Five sheaths model of human personality. Paper explores implications of these five principles for 'Practical Spirituality' in individual, social and organization contexts.