India from ancient times was the treasure of high level knowledge. We find the lots of branches of science from very beginning. High level philosophy, medicine and surgery, mathematics and architecture are few examples.
In this continuation we find a very wonderful text like Vimanasastra. Ratnapradipika is one of the some very important books related to Vimana-sastra. This was written by Sage Bharadvaja of ancient times. But it was almost unavailable. We find only one sutra of this text. Its commentator Bodhananda gives very useful information about this very important text. Bodhananda made the commentaries of Vimanasastra and Ansubodhini also. All these three texts were written by Sage Bharadvaja. Now these all are found incomplete and same with their commentaries. This Ratnapradipika was about the gems. This was written in sutra form of ancient Indian writing style.
Ratnapradipika was unavailable till Pt. Subraya Shastri revealed it again. He got it by divine revelation from his 'preceptor belonging to Himalaya.